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I've built a React front-end for text-to-speech APIs

Here's more about my text-to-speech tool React project.


I’ve been creating applications using Angular for quite a few years now, so I thought it was the right moment to get back on a React project. My last professional project with React was over five years ago, so I wanted also to familiarize myself with the current state of the library. I had heard about hooks, functional components, and more, but hadn’t gotten a chance to use them.

Lately, I’ve been reading a lot of text content online. This experience sparked the idea for the project, leading me to build a tool that would enable me to read for extended periods. I have additional ideas for expanding this app, but since the main objective has been met, I might regard this as a Minimum Viable Product (MVP).

The project also includes a few other elements that I wanted to incorporate:

I’ve pushed the project on GitHub if you want to try.

Screenshot Read that! MVP